Healthy Planet, Healthy You!!!

Our political, social and commercial decisions are driving the climate and health crisis. Over 90% of people breathe unhealthy air resulting from burning of fossil fuels. World Health Day 2022 calls for healthy planet with wise choices of action. (WHO 2022)

According to The Family Diner, the following are the steps to be taken;
• Go Vegetarian Once A Week: One less meat-based dinner a week can nourish the planet and your diet
• Use Fewer Polyethylene (Nylon) bags.
• Buy Local Produce: According to the Institute of Food Research, the majority of produce in your grocery store loses nearly 45% of its nutritional value by the time you buy it.
• Reduce Waste With Composting: By composting kitchen scraps and yard trimmings, you cut down on the amount of food you waste and reduce your contribution to landfills.
• Start A Garden Or Plant A Tree: If you cannot get to the farm stand, why not start your own garden of fruits and vegetables?

Extreme weather events, land degradation and water scarcity are displacing people and affecting their health. A heating world is seeing mosquitos spread diseases farther and faster than ever before.
Pollution and plastics are found at the bottom of our deepest oceans, the highest mountains, and have made their way into our food chain.
“Healthy Planet, Healthy You’’ is a gift for each of us and, at the same time, a gesture of care and comprehension for this world that gives us a home and sustenance.
So, let us preserve our common home by making healthy choices that will mean profound changes in lifestyles, models of production and consumption, and power structures. (WHO 2022)

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